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The medicine and health care item industry are currently at a nascent stage with 85 percent of items being imported. The size of Bangladesh market was estimated to be valued at USD 442 million in June 2020 and is expected to reach approximately USD 820 million in 2025, growing at a CAGR of 13%.
According to USAID research, however, Bangladesh remains largely dependent on import for almost 85% of the demands of medicine and health care item in terms of value with import amounting to over USD 400 million in FY 2019-20.
The top event organizer in Bangladesh Eco Expo believes that, the market currently is dominated by the instruments/ appliances segment and diagnostic imaging equipment in terms of value, which are expected to grow steadily. There are many other items that Bangladesh imports from different countries.
medicine and health care item have also been imported a lot during the Corona period. Medical apparatus and instruments #Epidemic prevention materials #Infusion set #Syringe #Mask #Thermogun #Diagnostic Test kit #Cotton Wool Roll #Cotton swab #Cotton Ball #Gauze Swab #Hand protection #Disposable medical examination gloves #Nano-fiber mask #sterile medical surgical mask #FFFP2 Mask #disposable surgical gown #FFP2 #FFP3 #KN95 #Sanitary Ware #leadwork #POCT # Thermometer, #hand #gloves, #sanitizer and many other items. According to the best event organizer Eco Expo, these items are also necessary as medicine and health care related item.
There is a wide market for medicine and health care related items. Because these items are of immense importance in the medical system. These are essential products in the medical field. Since Bangladesh imports 85 percent of medicine and health care related products from abroad, the best event organizer in Bangladesh Eco Expo believes that, Bangladesh is a lucrative market for the outside world in this sector.
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