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Consumer goods refer to products that are purchased by individuals or households for personal use or consumption. These goods are typically intended for the end consumer rather than for resale or further production. Consumer goods can encompass a wide range of products that fulfill various needs, desires, and preferences of consumers.
The best event organizer in Bangladesh, Eco Expo believes that, Bangladesh is known to import a wide range of consumer goods to meet its domestic demand. Some common consumer goods that are frequently imported by Bangladesh include:
- Textiles and Apparel,
- Electronics and Electrical Appliances,
- Food and Beverages,
- Personal Care and Cosmetics,
- Household Goods and Appliances,
- Automotive Products etc.
The market size of consumer goods in Bangladesh is $3.6 billion with an annual growth rate of 9 per cent, said the FBCCI paper. Zaved Akhtar, managing director of Unilever Bangladesh, said Bangladesh would become a trillion-dollar economy at a modest 5 per cent GDP growth by 2040 and the best exhibition organizer Eco Expo also believes that. And this market is very much dependent on importing from different countries.
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