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Wood is a natural material derived from the stems and branches of trees. It is a versatile material widely used for various purposes, including construction, furniture making, crafts, and more. Wood possesses desirable properties such as strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making it valuable in many industries.
Toys, on the other hand, are objects specifically designed for play, entertainment, and the amusement of children or even adults. Toys can come in various forms, shapes, and sizes, and they serve different purposes, such as fostering creativity, promoting physical activity, encouraging learning, and providing entertainment.
Wooden toys refer to toys made primarily or entirely from wood. These toys are often cherished for their natural and timeless appeal, as well as their durability. Wooden toys can be simple, traditional designs like blocks, puzzles, and pull-along toys, or more complex and intricate constructions like dollhouses, train sets, or wooden figurines.
According to the top event organizer in Bangladesh Eco Expo, the types of wooden toys that are commonly imported in Bangladesh. These may include:
- Building Blocks
- Puzzles
- Pull-Along Toys
- Dollhouses and Doll Furniture
- Educational Toys
- Musical Instruments
- Art and Craft Sets etc.
The best exhibition organizer in Bangladesh Eco Expo, believes that this wooden toy market is a fastest growing market and approximately 60-65% of the products are imported.
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