The poultry sector in Bangladesh is forecasted to follow this growth path as well. Per capita annual consumption levels for poultry meat and eggs are expected to increase with respectively 26% and 41% in the coming five years. Adding the estimated population growth (CARG 1.2%) to the expected consumption growth rates results in a total estimated poultry meat sector growth of 34% and 49% in the Bangladeshi layer sector. Poultry is a thriving employment oriented industry.
Bangladesh’s main poultry products are chicken, duck, quail, pigeons, and turkey. In addition, there are four more diverse types of chickens- Broiler, Layer, Sonali, and local. According to Light-Castle, more than 58.39 percent of the total chickens in Bangladesh are broiler breeds. There are currently over 53,000 broiler farms in Bangladesh.

The total market for commercial poultry feed (excluding home mixing) in Bangladeshi is currently estimated at 3.05 MN MT, composing by 1.83 MN MT by the broiler sector and 1.23 MN MT by the layer sector. Ingredients for feed production are for a large extend imported. Corn is locally sourced at around 40-50% and soy is locally sourced at around 60-65%.
Seasonal crops such as soybeans, maize, palm oil, and rice husk are frequently imported from India, China, and South America.
Bangladesh exported $1 billion in halal food and cosmetics items in FY 2020-21. According to the Ministry of Commerce, Bangladesh has the potential to export around $10 billion in halal food.
After agriculture, the poultry industry of Bangladesh is making the biggest contribution in the empowerment of women in the rural economy. The various policies and campaigns taken by the Government of Bangladesh are propelling the poultry sector forward. For example, the ‘Amar Bari Amar Khamar’ initiative, which began in 2009.